100 Day Gong – Natural Sitting / L- Sitting

100 Day Gong – Natural Sitting / L- Sitting

100 DAY GONG with A team of 4 experienced Zhineng Qigong Teachers, This physical practice, awareness training as well as the activation of Qi come together in this method in a unique way. All of this in a sitting position in nurturing stillness!

They guide practice in turns: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CET You will get recordings to practice with on the remaining days.

Start Time period 1: January 30th to March 3rd (33 days)

Time period 2: March 4th to April 5th (33 days) 

Time period 3: April 6th to May 10th (34 days) *At Easter there will be no guided practice

Practice will be guided or translated both in English and German.

You can register Via :

Luise Kohl-Hajek: qigonghessen@email.de

Anita Ilicic: mail@qi-connected.com

Gerlinde Treude: gerlindetreude@googlemail.com

Mirjam Buck: mirjambuck@gmx.de

Prices may vary, you can view all the details pertaining to the event LINK Evening Gong


Jan 30 2023 - May 10 2023




Qi-connected (Anita Ilicic)
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