Cape Town: Zhineng (Wisdom) Qigong & Hunyuan Qi Therapy Qigong with Britta

Cape Town: Zhineng (Wisdom) Qigong & Hunyuan Qi Therapy Qigong with Britta

Most illnesses are a consequence of stress. Stress leads to tension within the body. When you practice Zhineng Qigong, you experience relaxation and rejuvenated energy. This new energy looks for ways in the body to remove so called „Qi-blockades“ in the body, which are tensions caused through current or previous illnesses and stress. Vitality, the joy for life, inner strength and balance are increasing. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

The Zhineng Qigong practice also promotes emotional and mental balance. We create inner peace and calmness and better cope with daily challenges. New ideas and creativity help us in achieving our dreams and visions. Focus and concentration are improving. No matter what the circumstance are we learn to maintain „our sunshine mind“.


What you can expect from this 3 hrs morning session:

  • Studying and deepening Level 1 and elements of Level 2 Zhineng Qigong methods
  • Understanding the Zhineng Qigong healing therapies and theories
  • Methods to activate your self healing power
  • How to build a Qi field for healing, well-being and personal and professional success
  • Practice and deepening Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down method (ZQ Level 1), La Qi, Three Centres Merge and HunYuanQi Healing methods
  • Methods and Exercises can be intergrated in own daily routine

These Saturday morning sessions are open to beginners and students of Zhineng Qigong or other Qigong forms.

It is a beautiful opportunity to come and practice together, study and learn and boost your practice and understanding of Zhineng Qigong.

The course will also motivate and inspire you to effectively continue the practice at home


Please note that during our practice session we will make your health and safety a priority and will thus implement the following measures:

  • We ask every participant to bring their own water or tea (will not be provided on site)
  • We will be practicing mostly outside in the spacious garden and with at least 1.5 m distance from each other
  • We ask everyone to kindly refrain from shaking hands or hugging to welcome our friends and fellow practitioners
  • We need every participant to sign our register, please wear a face mask during the registration process


Investment in your health & well-being:

R 250


Payment Options

  • EFT (please email us and we will gladly give you our banking details)
  • Cash on the day


Please wear or bring comfortable clothes.

We look forward to sharing an inspiring and healing Zhineng Qigong morning session.

Please register by sending us a mail to

Thank you!


Oct 24 2020


SAT (Southern African Time Zone)
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


ZAR 250


Cape Town, South Africa


Body and Mind Factory
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