Daily practice with Qi Benzhi community teachers
Deepen your practice, find the beautiful life that you deserve!
Please, join our daily practise. With combined help from Zhineng Qigong practice and the pure qi field of Teacher Xi, you will be able to transform deeply your life. We practice together every day, live or using replay.
Practices that promote healing:
- Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa (Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down)
- San Xin Bing Zhan Zhuang (Three Centres Merge Standing Form)
- Sounds and Mudras Qi-field healing
- La Qi (Pulling Qi)
- Chen Qi(Stretching Qi) etc…
The Benefits
- Recover from illness or discomfort
- Achieve a higher level of health
- Deepen your practice
- Deepen understanding of your body’s energy through experience
- Observe your consciousness more deeply
- Open your consciousness
Every Month, Monday-Saturday, 6 days/week, of which minimum 2 random days are guided by teacher Xi.
7:30 – 8:30 pm CEST time.
Find your own time zone: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
€77/March: March 1-March 31 (27 sessions)