Qigong Healing Online Course: Treatment of Joint Diseases (Teacher Tao Qingyu)
Qigong Healing Online Course: Treatment of Joint Diseases (Teacher Tao Qingyu)
Prevention and Treatment of Joint Diseases
November 24-27, 2022 (4 days)
In Teacher Tao’s upcoming Qigong Healing Online Course, you will not only learn the essence of Qigong theories, but also learn and practice simple and effective Qigong methods to permanently prevent, alleviate and improve joint pain and joint disease. Teacher Tao will also give daily group healing.
This online course is suitable for those with:
joint inflammation of all kinds,
swelling and pain, especially of the spine, muscle tension caused by cervical spine, lumbar spine problems
This course is also suitable for people who want to learn and improve their healing skills.