The Foundations of Zhineng Qigong Science: WisdomAbility is witnessing the micro-cosmic Kai-He cycles of the body in life

The Foundations of Zhineng Qigong Science: WisdomAbility is witnessing the micro-cosmic Kai-He cycles of the body in life

WisdomAbility Event – Zhineng Qigong | somatic-science (

Join this 90-minute event and enjoy experiencing the marvels of a fully integrated healing Qifield.

Experience with Qigong is unnecessary, though it can be very helpful.

In the classical way, illness or dis-ease results simply from the manifestations of a wounded heart. A wounded heart carries energy and information to the entire physical body and affects all organ systems.

This creates imbalance, which results in the systemic dis-ease of the body, our family and society as a whole.

We will together address our original (HunYuan) spirit and then begin to notice, acknowledge and welcome any of the traces of wounding to which it is held by the reference framework.

Event facilitator can translate to/from Spanish, English or Italian where necessary.


Jul 09 2022


9:00 am - 10:30 am


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