Wisdom of the Heart Retreat (optional Qi Fasting)

Wisdom of the Heart Retreat (optional Qi Fasting)

Living in the wisdom, love, and connection of our Heart is living life optimally. This online retreat with master Jianshe can help you in becoming that love and nurturing wisdom. You can choose to combine it with a fast (Qi Fasting) to cleanse yourself even more from all obstructions that were there before.

From 5 to 11 January 2024
3 to 5 pm Paris time,
Translation to Dutch (other languages to follow)
You can join for 3 days (5 – 7 January), or the full program.

A few years ago, master Jianshe started to give Qi fasting retreats. The idea is to not eat physically, but let the Qi energy nourish our body & mind. People felt rejuvenated, with a clear mind and full of energy. These retreats have now developed into this ‘Wisdom of the Heart’ retreat in which you have an option to fast, but can also benefit from the Qi fasting by sharing in the Qi Field of unconditional love and wisdom master Jianshe provides. This may sound a bit strange to our Western mind, but when you read the reviews below, you understand that these doubts can easily be overcome.

Benefits you may experience from this retreat (among others)

  • Experience a deeply felt connection within yourself and with all living beings,
  • feel connected to the universe itself,
  • and the higher dimension within yourself
  • which is full of joy and love.
  • Feel you body more light and graceful, rejuvenated,
  • with a clear mind and positive thoughts.
  • Feeling grateful for the life you live,
  • shining through into your daily living,
  • and all your relationships.

Optional: Qi-fasting

If you choose to fast along with master Jianshe, you just stop eating the day we start. You do drink (warm) water and herbal tea. Master Jianshe shared that many participants experience that during these retreats, the fasting feels relatively easy. Of course you can follow your own fasting schedule. You will anyway benefit from the positive Qi Field.

Review Retreat participant July 2023:

Dear Jianshe!

Thank you for the fasting retreat and the connection to the amazing heartfield that I could experience during our days together!
It was a deep healing experience for me on many levels.

The idea that yi yuan ti is heart and the shift from the process of I do, to it is done already was so liberating and put a smile on my lips.

When using that information for my own healing one of the many personal miracles that I experienced during the retreat happend.
In day six of the retreat the pain in my knees, left hip and the lower back disappeared completely.
I have been struggling with pain in these areas for years and now I was able to sit on the floor in full lotus, relaxed with no pain what so ever.
It was years since that was my experience!

All the best to you my magical teacher !

Review Retreat participant July 2023:

Dear Jianshe!

When I enterd in to your fasting retreat I did not know what to expect.

I was very positively surprised indeed! The six days, two hours a day, was totaly shifting my personal and proffesional perspective of what Zhingeng Qigong is and what’s posible to achieve with the training.

Your way of being you, without any power games and with such a genuine love and willingness to empower the people in the group to find their own strength, love and light, was and is touching my heart heart deeply. All the time you vere giving power and love back to the people in the room.

What surprised me the first time when I connected with you, was your willingness to give me unconditional love and support without any holding back and you were not trying to empty my bankaccount. I asked you about me coming to your center in Hainan for healing. You told me that I did not need to go to Hainan for my healing. I could be totally heald on the spot, now!

Those simple words from you ment the world to me. It was like the sun came back into my heart after a long cold and dark night. I could relate to what you said to me as honest and truthful.

I have been teaching in the field of consiousness and human potential for more than 40 years now. During that time I have been practicing and teaching Zhineng Qigong for 25 years. Since my early twenties I have met and studied with at extensive amount of teachers.
Fom my experice, you and your way of beeing is very rare indeed. Genuine unconditional love is not the norm on the marketplace.
You have a rather unusual behaviour for someone that needs to pay the bills and is proffesonal.😊

It is extrordinary rare to meet a teacher and a friend like you.

From my heart, thank you so much for all your giving!

Review retreat participant July 2023:

Hello Jianshe 🙂 I’d love to share my story with you. But firstly, I want to take my time to thank you for creating such a precious space for all these beautiful people. It was so meaningful for me.🙏

I had a health condition last year. The doctors wanted to diagnose me with a specific type of anemia that affected my bone marrow negatively. My blood levels were low. Interestingly, I didn’t have any symptoms other than that. I struggled a lot both emotionally and physically. They tried to convince me and my family to go through a bone marrow transplant operation, but my family believed in me, and they wanted me to look for alternative healing ways.

During these times, after all my bad experiences and the sayings from the doctors, I unintentionally formed a very harming mindset for myself. I lived in fear.

That was the time when I first met with qigong and traditional chinese medicine. In time, with the changes in my diet and lifestyle, I started feeling much better, and my blood levels were slowly getting higher. But still, deep down, I wanted them to be perfect with the strong fear inside me.

Everyone around me, especially my family, always reminds me that I’m good and everything from now on is well because I became a person who is easily get triggered by a tiny back pain after all these times.

But with your retreat, something interesting happened to me. It was the first time that I met Zhingeng Qigong. For a person just like me who struggles with her mind and can not find a good reference point, sitting there for 2 hours scared me at first. Somehow, you telling me the stories and listening to all these beautiful healing experiences helped me to form new connections in my mind. You reminded me of my power. But the most wonderful thing that impressed me in our retreat was the unconditional love and support that you were willing to give to us. Just like Gunnar said, it is very rare outside of our world, and it just made me feel so good because I was in a strong need of listening to someone that is truly and strongly believe in me.

Even though the retreat week was challenging for me in my personal life, I somehow succeeded in staying calm and taking care of myself. If I did not join in this beautiful organization, I would not be dealing with it so well.

I started thinking clearly, and my heart became light. For the first time, I took the first step for not being afraid of my mind. Now, I’m feeling the joy of being free and loved by myself. Paying attention to the good sides and learning it with you was a marvelous experience for me.

With great love and simplicity, you wanted to hold our hands and touch our hearts. I can’t describe to you how important it is for me. I thank you for your willingness to listen to me and be with me. I hope life brings you all the good miracles with love. After this retreat, I decided to continue practicing Zhineng Qigong😊

Hoping to meet you one day!🙏!💗

About Master Jianshe

Master Jianshe has been teaching Qigong for 30 years. He followed his education in the early 1990s by Dr. Pang Ming in the famous medicineless hospital, the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center. He arrived there at a low point in his life, when his own health and circumstances  were very bad. From his own experience, he knows how Qigong can be life-changing. Also during his teaching career, he has often experienced how Qigong can bring people back to health and balance. He opened a Qigong Centre with his team on Hainan Island December 2003.

“In 2003 we only landed on the island with luggage. We didn’t know anyone on the island and we didn’t know where to live. We followed our intuition and fully trusted our choice. And now we live in our own Qigong center. “

Master Jianshe also teaches in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Africa.

‘I believe that all of us can achieve our wishes! Qigong is new life, Yiyuanti is our heart, Qigong is a journey to trust ourselves, find ourselves and being ourselves’ 

Master Jianshe explains in a lively way and heart-to-heart how to live from your true self – from your heart. He helps you to get in touch with and to trust your true self. Be like a child again and follow your enthusiasm and authentic self, that is his message.


Jan 05 - 11 2024


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm



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