Zhineng Qigong Mingjue Online Course with teacher Wei

Zhineng Qigong Mingjue Online Course with teacher Wei

Zhineng Qigong Mingjue Online Course with teacher Wei

Zhineng Qigong Mingjue is the level of pure consciousness that goes beyond all feelings, thoughts, concepts and emotions. It is a state of pure consciousness that recognizes, observes understands its own functions and directly reflects itself. Mingjue practice makes our consciousness clearer, purer, and more stable. A high level stable Mingjue is a free, peaceful, happy, healthy, and harmonious consciousness state.

In Mingjue Gongfu practice, we mainly focus on improving a high-level quality of a life. Once a person’s consciousness and qi improve to a high level, physical and psychological problems as well as problems in society can transform and disappear naturally. Our life will be healthier, freer and happier.

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Sep 04 - 09 2021


Beijing time
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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