Super Abilities Healing with teacher Wei (Jan 8-13, 2022)

Super Abilities Healing with teacher Wei (Jan 8-13, 2022)

Super Abilities Healing with teacher Wei (Jan 8-13, 2022)

Zhineng Qigong Mingjue is the level of pure consciousness that goes beyond all feelings, thoughts, concepts and emotions. It is a state of pure consciousness that recognizes, observes understands its own functions and directly reflects itself. Mingjue practice makes our consciousness clearer, purer, and more stable. A high level stable Mingjue is a free, peaceful, happy, healthy, and harmonious consciousness state.

In Mingjue Gongfu practice, we mainly focus on improving a high-level quality of a life. Once a person’s consciousness and qi improve to a high level, physical and psychological problems as well as problems in society can transform and disappear naturally. Our life will be healthier, freer and happier.

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Jan 08 - 13 2022


Beijing time
8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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